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Relationship Consulting:​

Shortest term, usually 1-3 appointments. 1-3 hours for the first time with the possibility of shorter follow ups. Do you want to lay it all out on the table with me at once for advice, direction, and a potential plan that you make your own decisions about and follow through on without me? This is the option for you.


Relationship Coaching:​ 

Do you want to get better at dating or being in a relationship? Do you want to figure out where things have gone or are going wrong? Are you in a relationship that is pretty good with no big issues but you want to learn how it can be even better? If so, Relationship Coaching is the option for you. It's great if you are single or in a relationship, and if you are in a relationship I can work with one or both of you.


Relationship Therapy/Counseling:​

Is your relationship really struggling, or maybe you're worried it's heading that way and you want to be proactive to prevent it? Is your partner on board to work on things, too? Relationship Therapy is the option for you. I follow the Gottman Method and take relationship work very seriously and I expect you to as well, so I will expect a commitment from both parties to really give it a chance. (after we get to know each other and you both agree you want to work with me, of course.)


Some people don't want to try marriage therapy because they have had experiences in the past where the therapist "took sides" with one of the parties. This is a reasonable concern so please allow me to assure you that I do not work that way. I am really good at working with couples in part because I do not get drawn into taking sides. My job is to help you both and to do my best to help you meet your marriage goals and that is how I show up in the room, no matter which person does which thing or needs to learn which skill.  We will be partners in the work and I am fully capable at guiding two people who want to have a better relationship and want to do better for each other learn how. 



Mailing Address:

Connected Counseling & Consulting

P.O. Box 412 

Kaysville, UT 84037




Tel: 801.839.5130 text or leave a message.


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